Bring your full self

Prayer of Confession


On the first Sunday in Advent, we celebrate hope. This year, we spoke this prayer in unison.


Prayer of Confession  

God of today and God of tomorrow,  

you say, “Bring your full self. There’s room for you here.”  

     But we say, “Our lives are too messy.”  

You say, “Bring your hopes and your dreams. There’s room for you here.”  

     But we say, “It’s too risky to hope.”  

You say, “Bring your grief and your prayers. There’s room for you here.”  

     But we say, “Some things are easier to



God of today and God of tomorrow,

We know in our hearts that there’s room for us here.

     Forgive us for withholding our full selves
     from you.

     Forgive us for giving only our Sunday best.

     Help us remember, today and tomorrow,

     There’s room for every story.



Words of Forgiveness

Family of faith,

We who feel scattered are held together.

We who have lost our way are forgiven and found.

And we who are lonely are brought into the fold and are told,

“There’s room for you here.”

From generation to generation, this is the good news of the gospel.

In Jesus Christ we are held, forgiven, found, and welcomed.

Thanks be to God! Amen.

The first Advent candle, the candle of Hope, was lit on Sunday.


Prayer by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC |

Your pastors are available for conversation and/or visit. Simply be in touch. 


In Faith,

Lori Bievenour, lori at stpeterscarmel dot org, or 317-846-6882, x222

Dakota Roberts, dakota at stpeterscarmel dot org, or 317-846-6882, x223