St. Peter's United Church of Christ
St. Peter's United Church of Christ is a welcoming community, sharing God's love with our world and finding the Spirit in Life.
Welcome! to everyone who has faith or who seeks it, who lives in hope or who needs it.
Welcome! to all who rejoice and are strong, or who mourn and are weary.
Welcome! to those who know Christ, and to those who long for an introduction.
We believe God’s grace is extended to all. To anyone who has felt unwelcome or has experienced rejection elsewhere, we say, “All are welcome here!”
We acknowledge our diversities … and we welcome, respect and support people of every race, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, citizenship status, political affiliation, age, gender, marital status and physical as well as mental ability. We are a community where all are equal, all are loved, and all are respected for who and what they are — and for what they can become.
We acknowledge that our fears and ignorance sometimes hinder us. We challenge one another to follow the teachings of Jesus, who denied no one and welcomed all. We strive to live our faith by supporting inclusiveness and justice for all humanity, and we invite all who gather here to participate in our ministries of service, word and sacrament.
Spiritual Life
Deepen your faith and explore your unique spirituality.
Themed Retreats and Home-based Spiritual Life Groups
Creative expression through a rotating art display
Labyrinth ministry and worship participation opportunities
The Sacred is around and within.
Put your faith into action.
Eco-Justice: Native Habitat and Conservation Efforts
Social Justice: advocacy for marginalized communities, including
LGBTQ+ and immigrants.
Economic Justice: Assisting families experiencing homelessness,
partnering with local food ministries, and a 15+year relationship
with Washington UCC in Cincinnati.
The Holy One knows no boundaries, but welcomes love.
Faith formation is for all ages.
Worship & Wonder (pre-K-6th grade), and
Youth Group (7th-12th grade)
Bible, book, and current event studies
We appreciate questions more than answers.
God is present in both faith and doubt.
Nurture others.
Cookies, treats, and beverages at Fellowship Hour
Cards and care packages mailed to those in need
Game nights and community activities
The Source of Life encourages us to create joy for each other.
5 Names + 4 Denominations + Tons of Enthusiasm = St. Peter’s United Church of Christ
In 1905, we were located at 21st Street and Central Avenue in Indianapolis and called ourselves Central Avenue Reformed Church, part of the Reformed Church in the United States. In 1922, we moved to 44th and Carrollton and renamed the church – creatively – Carrollton Avenue Reformed Church.
Finally, in 1974 we landed at Keystone and Carmel Dr. in Carmel, Indiana and changed our name for the last time, to St. Peter’s United Church of Christ. (See timeline at right for all 5 of our names and how we eventually became part of the United Church of Christ.)
Legend has it that Harry Joseph Letterman – David Letterman’s father – suggested the name St. Peter’s for our new church, “because of St. Peter building a church upon a rock for a firm foundation.”
Over the years we’ve had a lot of spirited personalities as members – accomplished artist Evelynne Bernloehr Mess Daily in the early 1900’s, and David Letterman in the 1950s and 60s.
But more important is the spirited personality of this congregation, and its passion for serving those on the margins of society. As early as the depression years, our church was donating the sale of prayer calendars to local charities. In 1957, we sponsored one of our first refugee families – the Hungarian Oravecz family. This marked the beginning of long tradition of refugee assistance at St. Peter’s (today, the Exodus Refugee Immigration of Indianapolis is one of our main missions).
Other missions our members are passionate about: Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis, Rural Healthcare (a nursing facility for adults with developmental disabilities), Washington United Church of Christ in Cincinnati, and Day of Caring, a day of service for various members of our congregation.
Looking Ahead
St. Peter’s has enjoyed significant growth during recent years, and we’re looking at new ways to accommodate and nurture our vibrant, thriving congregation. We invite you to visit soon!
For the text of our 100th Anniversary Book written by Judy Newton, click here.
Get to know St. Peter's Church staff
Lori Bievenour
Senior Pastor
Dakota Faulkner
Associate Pastor for Operations
Home: Speedway, IN
Joined St. Peter’s: 2021 (Oct.)
Inspiration: Young People
Cheryl Keckler
Music Director
Home: Delaware
Joined St. Peter’s: 2010 as Handbell Director and 2012 as Music Director
Inspiration: Camping musicdirector@stpeterscarmel.org
Addie Yoder