On Sunday, November 27, 2022, we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. It included this Prayer of Confession that leads with Bring Your Full Self.
Posts written by Pastor Lorl, St. Peter's UCC, Carmel, IN
On Sunday, November 27, 2022, we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. It included this Prayer of Confession that leads with Bring Your Full Self.
Sometimes prayer is a ritual act.
Today, many of us are greeted by a persistent grayness in the sky around us. The clouds are thick. The sun is hidden.
Today, some of us feel a dreariness in our souls.
Today, some of us hurt, but we’re not even sure why.
And yet, today, there is hope, and it can be found in the simple act of lighting a candle.
Following those prayers, my thoughts today are pretty simple: there is always more, and sometimes enough is enough.
I’m writing to you from my couch once again, and the scene before me is actually sort of interesting. It’s the same thing I’ve been looking at for nearly a month now, but today, THIS is what I see: